Mamy zaszczyt zaprosić na czerwcowe spotkanie Oddziału Warszawskiego PTF, które odbędzie się 11 czerwca o godzinie 18 w sali nr 4 budynyku Instytutu Filozofii UW na Krakowskim Przedmieściu 3. wystąpienie pt. „The philosophical Aspects of The Copernican Controversy in England Between 1543 and 1727 from Robert Recorde to Isaac Newton” wygłosi dr Krzysztof Konstanty Vorbrich (notka biograficzna poniżej). Na życzenie naszego gościa wystąpienie zostanie wygłoszone w języku angielskim. Serdecznie zapraszamy!
Krzysztof Konstanty Vorbrich has got the following academic degrees: MSc Physics, MSc Astronomy, MA English Philology, PhD Physics, and PhD English Philology from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. He has conducted research under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PASc) mainly in the domains of VLBI (short for Very Long Baseline Interferometry), and satellite/inertial integrated navigation systems. For several years he extensively researched these aforementioned navigation systems at the Institute of Flight
Guidance and Control, Carolo-Wilhelmina Technical University in Braunschweig, Germany within the framework of visiting scientist stipends and within a European Commission Project conducted between this Institute and PASc. He then proceeded to research these systems at Nanyang University in Singapore, mainly within the framework of a Tan Chin Tuan visiting scientist stipend and lectured on these systems under an invitation from universities in New
Zealand and Australia and during scientific conferences in the UK and the USA. He also holds an Ocean Going Yacht Master and glider pilot qualifications and is therefore competent as a professional seaman and both ocean and aviation navigator using this garnered expertise in his practical scientific research on the satellite/inertial systems resulting in scientific publications. In the fields of physics, astronomy and their history, and the philosophy of science, he has researched the theories of Copernicus, Newton, and Einstein in a Space
Research context. In the field of English Philology, amongst others, he has extensively researched the history and philosophy of British belles-lettres, as well as scientific and maritime literature within the Pacific Rim. In doing so he has continued his above mentioned scientific research with a deep humanistic orientation. He has published more than one hundred scientific papers, six academic books and one commemorative book on sport sailing for the Academic Sport Association.
I. Newton wielkość rozmach umysł osobowość jakich dziś bardzo brakuje, ale bez Nikodema D., czyli bez angielskiego, to po polsku już nie można tego ująć, tak światowo, trudno, niejednoznacznie?!